Originally Posted by Oddball
Easter Eggs are cool, even MOHAA has one. The ark is in the back of one of the trucks in the training mission.
Also the Millenium Falcon makes an appearance in Blade Runner a few times but its really hard to spot.
You forgot about the breakdancing germans in the U-Boat level. biggrin:
Ok, here's a bunch of Star Wars ones.
the Special Edition, when Greedo gets shot, you can tell the new model isn't a man in a suit, just a dummy.
-When Princess Leia is in her cell and is about to get toutured by the robot with the syringe, you can see the crane's cable that is holding it up.
-When Luke is eating with his uncle and aunt, the cup he's drinking from keeps switching hands. (Due to the negative being reversed in post production.)
-If you watch Leia while they're in the garbage compactor, her belt, at various points, has fallen down around her thigh. It moves from her thigh to her waist (depending on the camera angle) during the whole scene.
-On the Jawa's Sandcrawler, when R2 looks around in one of the shots, you can very clearly see the person who is inside R2 through his little eye hole.
-When Vader and Tarkin learn that Leia has lied about the location of the Rebel base, we hear Darth say "I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion." There is a pause and Vader continues to move. An obvious dubbing error. His hand keeps moving and he's not talking! biggrin:
-Right after Luke and Vader fight for the first time, Vader gets kicked off of the carbonite freezer. Then Luke jumps down to fight him again. After he jumps, you hear the sound of a trampoline. Then in the lower right screen you can see Mark Hamill's head jump back up.
-When the Star Destroyer starts shooting asteroids in the asteroid field, the first one explodes before the laser even hits it.
-When Han, Leia, Chewie and C-3PO are hiding in the asteroid from the Empire and the cave appears to be unstable, characterized by sudden movements which throw Leia in Han's lap. When she protests, he tells her not to get excited. To which she replies, "Being held by you is hardly enough to get me excited." If you watch Harrison Ford's lips, he mouths the line at the same time. Most likely because Carrie Fisher was stoned for this entire movie and he was always having to prompt her.
-When Leia is shot by a stormtrooper at the shield generator, Han reaches down and grabs her shoulder. He then quickly reaches down and grabs her breast.
-In the space battle, when Lando says "fighters coming in!" the millions of ties come in. Watch in slow motion - a TIE fighter can be seen going through the Millennium Falcon.
-When Oola, the dancing girl, is trying to get away from Jabba, she briefly falls out of the top of her costume. It isn't as visible in the widescreen version, but quite visible in the regular version.
-When Lando is is hanging over the pit, he has gloves on, then he has no gloves, then they're back and so on.
-When Han is unfrozen and gets back up again his shirt is dirty, then it's clean, then it's dirty....
-There is a shot of a hangar filled with TIE Fighters, and a brigade of stormtroopers. One of them has a smiley face on his white helmet.
-After Lando is shot off the skiff above the Sarlacc when Han is trying to save him, look for Lando to actually walk down the sand in the bottom of the screen. The very next scene, he is hanging on the rope.