Wow.. i didn't know you guys kept this thing up.... coool... well you got me, lol... I'm 16... but don't tell me colorblind son that there is pussy written all over the rockets!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I actually went and looked at the screenshots of the clown mod, if you actually download it your not only a cheater, your a flaming homosexual, even if you are colorblind, its mods like that this that ruin a game...
I used to come to this forum for interesting news in the community and to see what cool mods were being made. Now I barely visit anymore and this is the reason why. Grow the fuck up you morons.
These aren't from my computer, they are from fileplanets screenshot, incase anyone is in doubt on how these are in fact cheat skins, and very gay cheat skins at that...