Christ I hope I meet 50 Cent one day just so I can shot his ass dead and be hailed as a national hero. As for Ja, he'll eventually get old and just fade away like Lou Bega and all those other wash-outs, which can be far worse than death.
Now you're just giving ignorant people who think they know everything about 'today's rap' the chance to piss all over the genre. Fuck Off you Fucking Sack-Sniper.
For the record, Ja Rule is a big baby-faced she-he. 50 Cent, at least has skill, I perosnally don't care for his music. His lyrics are cliche and boring.
someone call zoner.....oh nvm, here he comes now. Man u fags always manage to screw up someone's thread. Crapppppppppp, im so sick of u ppl i dont know what to do. ERrrrrrrrr, i feel like blowing ure freakin heads off so bad with ure non humerous sarcastic comments in every thread i go to
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
06-12-2003, 08:30 AM
Hey im KIA and im so l337 ja rule holla east side fugga!fiddy cent will own all your asses!i like ot pretend im black to hide the fact im 7 years old and like to rap goldfishes look im cool ja rule!fiddy cent!east side!west side!northwest illinois wisconsin side! oOo: