06-28-2003, 02:59 PM
still waiting on a download link for the thompson. Say hello to your next weapon, the Carbine.
No it doesnt reload from the bottom (once again so you can use it in any server) BUT , I did do some chopping so that the parts move and rechamber. as your reloading the clip goes into the chamber not through the top of the gun, so it is realistic to a point. Imma try to get a folding stock version like the paratroopers used done as well to add a little diversity to your choices. hopefully Ill have some download links for you soon.
heres the credits
original Model : Nomad
original Skins : Polygon and Nirvy
model conversion and major editing by : me
skin conversion and scripting by: me
Like I say, I did quite a bit of work on this one myself to get it to work properly.
Oh 1 more thing, stop posting here unless you have a request. I do appreciate the fact that you may like this and want to thank me, but do that by pm's. Ive only gotten 2 models done and this is already 3 pages long. Also dont post the same request more than once, and only 1 request per person please! I can't do them all at once so remember they make take time. Innoxx, any way to remove all these posts and go back to page1 where I started this? If not lock it and ill start a new thread. appreciate the help.