Siggi, good to see your form hasn't changed a bit.
I still have you on my buddy list from when we first played and you know every single time I've seen you online (which is rare) you are
only ever playing on your
own server.
That's right. Siggi's ADSL Server [CPR] Anti-cheat.
Player list (the general gist I always see, not an accurate one):
SS.SGW-Siggi 128/0
Ping 0
SS.SGW-Don_Tony 128/0
Ping 2
Somenewbie 2/0
Ping 350
A><0|2_NooB 2/0
Ping 600
olli 2/0
Ping 289
When I join I get maybe 90-200 ping depending on how many players he has cramed in his server (yes, with a 32 player limit lmfao).
So, when I joined and 4 others were playing, we all (besides Siggi and his mate, who is presumably on a LAN to Siggi's server) had well over 500 ping.
A lot.
Now, I still managed to kill Siggi and his mate two times each with this ping. They killed me 4 times between them and on the last round (where by this time it took my gun a full second to actually start shooting after I pressed the key - Gotta love that pure BT bandwidth) I complained of lag and decided to leave the server.
It just wasn't fun. Why bother staying? So I left and played on a dedicated server and had a blast. In fact the only reason I joined your server that second time was because I really wanted to see if you played seriously. Like you really thought it was worth spending time playing with zero ping against high pingers. Apparently, you do.
I told them how I felt. But then after all Siggi's claims that he knows everything about the game already, I have never seen him on one public server.
Big boasts for someone who can only beat 300+ pingers with
zero ping himself.
Nice hijack of the post, Siggi. You will never impress anyone, let alone me, with your boasts until you actually play without a clear advantage.
We will see when the full game comes out, and you actually start playing some proper competive matches, who is the best at this game, and I can tell you from what I've seen of you, you'll need some serious practice to make SS.SGW even contend at all.
Sorry, but playing with zero ping won't allow you to take playing with a ping over that. Nothing wrong with playing at 0 ping if you have a decent connection, such as T1.
But ADSL? lol. Come play on a proper server and let's see how good you really are.
Sorry, but you have no respect from me at the moment. You have too much of an opinion seeing as you don't even play in a proper game.
I know how good I am, and I also know where I ain't so good.
Why don't you prove you can play, instead of spouting your flames here?
Actions > Words.
No, I won't play on your server again. But then, nor does anyone other than complete newbies 'cos they don't know you but know no better than to play on a non-dedicated server like yours.
I'll be on gamesdomain (2), (3) and (4) or any Blue Yonder server. If I don't see you soon, I'll have no different an opinion than I already do about you. Which isn't much.
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 18, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 18, 2002).]