I think this is the first time i feel utterly forced to agree with you, Prot.
I sure would pick a hockeygame before any other sport in the world..
Nothing beats the Stanley cup finals at 4 am, right before youre getting in the shower too shoot off to school.. rock:
Soccer and football (American) are too easy. Baseball takes talent
BullSHIT, soccers too easy? if thats the case why dont games go like 30-40 goals like american football and baseball games can go in points? Simple because soccer is much harder to actually score in.
SOCCER > american football>baseball
End of discussion
Yeah I'm sure it's real hard to kick a bal that's right at your feet into a huge ass goal (Soccer goals are HUGE)
Cough Cough hhhmmm saying that soccer goals are big? Football enzones are huge compaired to them, baseball they have the whole out field to hit it over the wall cant get much bigger than that. And in football isnt the ball right in your hands? Using your hands with a ball is alot easier than with your feet.
soccer is the best sport. period. while i dont play anymore, i did for the first 13 or so years of my life. i love the world cup, and the fact that it is on only once every four years makes it all the more important and huge to win it. not win it for a team, win it for your country. i really dont like all the american sports though. cept football. go chiefs biggrin:
I think this is the first time i feel utterly forced to agree with you, Prot.
I sure would pick a hockeygame before any other sport in the world..
Nothing beats the Stanley cup finals at 4 am, right before youre getting in the shower too shoot off to school.. rock:
They broadcast NHL is Sweden?
Isn't the sweedish league more popular than the NHL?