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01-23-2002, 08:28 AM
Im totaly against these mod's
Let 2015 work this out, they are paid programers with paid beta testers, do you realy think a few gamers who played the game for a week of or so can say this needs to change, and this aint not the way it should be ?
I have had few problems when it come's to Snipers, unbalenced weapons or other things related to this.
I have found Tactics to counter these things, thats what this game is about!
think of something to make something like this work in youre advance.
The only thing that should be changed by 2015 (not a simple script tweaker) to make the game more all round is to tweak the Rocker launchers moving slower, not only walk slower, but the total view should be slowr, its just not right that you can move from left to right just as fast as with a pistol.
You are my adversary, but you are not my enemy. For your resistance gives me strength. Your will gives me courage. Your spirit enobles me. And tough I aim to defeat you. Should I succeed, I will not humiliate you. Instead I will honour you. For without you, I am a lesser man
[This message has been edited by DigitalSmoke (edited January 23, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by DigitalSmoke (edited January 23, 2002).]
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01-23-2002, 08:34 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jonesy-the-cat:
Quote: "haha whatever man. youve obviously never player with me. keep holding on to your pipe dreams." - madrebel
This is the kind of talk I was referring to. It reveals a bragger who feels the need to build himself up. I would have thought you were good until I saw you talk like that. Now you sound like a very young, immature, weak player. Sorry, just stating the truth. Bragging doesn't impress anyone but yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
anytime you feel like it jump on
its not cpr though so you may have trouble ill even use the german rifle for you so you have a chance.
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01-23-2002, 08:52 AM
Wow, something I posted is still around. Weird. Please pardon me if the following sounds like rambling, but it's been a long day at work.
First, I agree that in the game (both regular and CPR), the better player usually wins the duels. This is due, I believe, to the fact that the other player is better at moving and shooting while moving than I am. At close range, the really good players combine CONSTANT movement and crouching/jumping with good accuracy to kill me while I am less skilled at these things.
I have played only three FPSs, the most recent of which is Serious Sam. I feel that most of the comments dismissing the CPR servers are born of the attitude that all games of this genre should incorporate the same damage levels. One of the things that attracted me to this game was the hope that a different damage system would create a different play style, but it appears that anyone who hoped for a game that put a higher premium on different skills (i.e., positioning, team movement, accuracy on moving targets at range, basically all the skills required in actual combat) is labelled a no-skill newbie and subjected to extreme derision.
I like Serious Sam, AND MoH. They both play, however, very similarly in my humble opinion. I play both CPR and regular, and enjoy both.
If they release a mod that cuts the damage weapons do in half, will the players that play the regular game be no skill hacks?
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Oh, and a cheese Danish, too.
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01-23-2002, 09:03 AM
My opinion of CPR is that it's not as fun as non-CPR.
I didn't say CPR wasn't realistic. I wouldn't know, I don't study these things.
I use the smg mostly, so CPR actually benefits me. But I still don't get the same satisfaction of winning a team game without aid of a mod.
After playing both I'd have to say I enjoy playing non-CPR servers more. I don't flat out hate CPR, I just feel it's not as fun.
If it truly is a realism mod, though, why have they reduced the amount of grenades to 3? It's been well stated that standard issue was higher than 3.
That's one thing that I thinks a little lame. It's claimed to be a realism mod, and yet it forsakes realism to make it so you die less to grenades.
I actually prefer to have less grenades, but still.. which is it? Realism, or preference?
I think it's preference under the image of realism. If you want a game to be perfectly realistic to war then remove all crosshairs and add speed penalties for damage taken to non vital areas.
Crosshairs are the most unrealistic part of any shooter game, and yet it gets overlooked. Why? 'Cos it'd be less fun to play without one.
War was never fun. Games are supposed to be.
I'll always take fun over realism, if you have to have one or the other. I personally think MoH has a nice blend of both.
It's not the best game I ever played but I enjoy it as it is.
EDITED: added the 'not' in the last sentance
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 23, 2002).]
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01-23-2002, 09:25 AM
thats what you dont get. the gameplay for both versions is the exact same.
also, if you want quick kills, hit the upper body and the head. head = 1 shot kill.
in cpr you could take 2 MG rounds in the leg and die. that isnt very realistic. the only place on the leg that will kill you is that major artery. and that is very small in relation to the rest of the leg therefor its very unlikely you will get hit there.
cpr = unrealism mod. they should just call it the newbies cant get easy kills mod.
also, alot of these so called "realism" zealots seem to think those of us with extensive fps background are all "l33t quakzors". They seem to think that we dont know anything about teams.
you also mention that and i quote <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>but it appears that anyone who hoped for a game that put a higher premium on different skills (i.e., positioning, team movement, accuracy on moving targets at range, basically all the skills required in actual combat) is labelled a no-skill newbie and subjected to extreme derision.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
and people with skill close up dont have any of these skills? please. many of us cut our teeth with the railgun the original long range weapon.
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01-23-2002, 09:49 AM
CorpusDan- Well put. Yes, if the original game gave double the health, then this version would be called a no-skill newbie version.
In reality, this kind of complaining is the hallmark of an insecure player trying to put up a front. If that wasn't enough to tell you, then there is also the bragging, poor spelling and grammar, use of kiddie words like n00b, etc. They don't even realize how ridiculous they sound.
Notice how quickly it goes from an attempted intellectual discussion of the realism mod to a brag about being the best player in the world whom noone can kill. As if that had anything to do with the issue of whether the realism mod is easier. I'll spell it out for the morons here: "I'm the best. If you doubt that then meet me on this server. When I beat you then that will prove I'm better than you, which will prove I'm the best player in the world, which will prove that the realism mod is easier." Great logic there. I have seen it happen that someone beats me in a game, then I beat them in the next game. I'll bet one of these bragging types would switch on the old cheat as soon as he started losing. Then he would claim he beat me.
I never claimed to be the best. I have a life, so I can't spend the time it takes to be the best. Even if I got as good as anyone could be within the bounds of the game, there would be several people that also reached that level. It is ridiculous to think that you are the sole owner of the top ability level. That's how inexperienced kiddies think. I have been around enough to know that it's the cheaters, lame players, and insecure people who shoot off their mouth about being the best. And it's not enough to say that, they have to put others down too. Pathetic.
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01-23-2002, 09:51 AM
No problem Ydiss,at least we've got a choice.
Shoot Low Boys
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01-23-2002, 09:58 AM
Reb,i'm not interested in your ability or your lack there of.
You've got your own server and i'm sure there are a lot of players feel just like you do too.
There are plenty of players to go around so to each his own,big deal.
If some like playing in a some what realistic way and don't mind being picked off by a newbie,big deal,you shouldn't be so concerned about it,they must not be or they would be on your server havin a ball.
Why give the newbie a hard time of it? They want to have a little fun too. Without them you would just have to kill yourself.<BG>
Shoot Low Boys
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01-23-2002, 10:44 AM
siggi it takes about 5 shots with an smg to kill in standard MOH.
If you cant hit a person 5 times, maybe you shouldnt just fire full auto. Use some skill and shoot in bursts.
But you knew that already right 
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01-23-2002, 10:58 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jonesy-the-cat:
I never claimed to be the best. I have a life, so I can't spend the time it takes to be the best.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Thanks, Jonesy. Hey, I suck at golf, too, but my friends who are better don't spend the whole round cursing at me because I play like a %^&*($#& sissy girl. I suppose because I play golf with adults.
By the way, I was on your team for several rounds the other night, and you and I got several kills and won a few times because I stuck near you and covered your blind side whenever possible. I stuck near you because you obviously knew what you were doing, and had made a comment about "several together is better than one alone" or something similar. Even though I usually got gunned down, you almost always led the team in kills. Good playing.
Plus, that Manon skin you were wearing was really hot. Who wouldn't want to follow that around?
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Oh, and a cheese Danish, too.
[This message has been edited by CorpusDan (edited January 24, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by CorpusDan (edited January 24, 2002).]
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01-24-2002, 12:08 AM
2015 said,and I quote,"MoH is not ment to be a run and gun game,but to be played by using tactics and strategy"
Now would somebody please explain to me the above because I must not understand plain english.
Shoot Low Boys
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01-24-2002, 12:14 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WileyP:
2015 said,and I quote,"MoH is not ment to be a run and gun game,but to be played by using tactics and strategy"
Now would somebody please explain to me the above because I must not understand plain english.
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>it means MoH takes good teamwork to succeed. people like siggi dont understand that base MOH employs this principle very well.
MP omaha for example takes an extreme amount of teamwork for the allies to succeed. It requires the use of every type of gun(save maybe the sniper rifle, allies dont need to snipe and shouldnt snipe on omaha) to accomplish the goal.
in CPR everyone could just use the MG or SMG and they would be fine in almost every situation in the game.
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01-24-2002, 12:18 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
same thing applies for the normal game.
also, why are all the CPR servers(that ive played on) non friendly fire. where is the realism there?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Because FF servers usually have spiteful little jerks who want to drive everybody away from the server by team-killing everyone they see. This is the main reason why the only FF servers out there are password-protected.
I agree with Siggi about the CPR mod. I've been on both the giving and receiving end of the "half-clip turnaround", and to me it's cheap Q3 arcade action. I play the CPR mod because you have to be more careful with where you move, and where you look, simply due to the fact the weapons can kill you sooner than with the default MP settings. I've been killed by newbies while playing the CPR mod but that was only because of my carelessness. Some people's egos can't handle getting killed by a beginner, and thus I believe is part of the reason why many refuse to play on servers using the CPR mod.
With the CPR mod you can pretty much kiss circle-strafing goodbye, and the run-and-gun Q3/UT carryovers just don't enjoy having to play a game where everything you do has to be done with more care.
But, I'll play as a sniper on either CPR or Default. I won't matter to me when I use this rifle because opponents die just the same either way. 1-shot kills as they cross the street.
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01-24-2002, 12:26 AM
Thanks Reb,but without a private server,how in the hell do you promote teamwork?
Every map i've tried,the troops are off in all directions and don't seem to have a rhyme or reason to thier actions,other than shoot it if it moves.
So far as FF goes,if it's on, there is always the yo-yos that think it's so funny to blast everything. Hell they don't care about you.
Shoot Low Boys
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01-24-2002, 12:39 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by First Man Down:
The damage levels are there for a reason and they're carefully set by professionals. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I'm not arguing with your salient points, but why do so many people become offended if anyone expresses a like or desire for a game that has a different play and/or damage scheme from every other game. It appears that a great deal of people are offended if someone says that they like playing a game that differs in any way from an exacting formula.
Christ, it's almost as if enjoying a game with different variables, damage levels, tactics, etc. makes you a damn pariah.
"If it isn't just like all the games Iv'e gotten good at already, it just sucks and anyone who enjoys it is a moron."
Does that about sum up the prevalent attitude of these postings? It seems to.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Oh, and a cheese Danish, too.
[This message has been edited by CorpusDan (edited January 24, 2002).]
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