Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:16cc7]Now I'm done.
you said that last time. hows it feel to lose the civil war? and this one. when all else fails rip on grammar. any one who agrees with you is well under 21 years of age. you glorified fucking bellhop. is your mom your sister too. redneck dumbass.
I find it rude an immature to post a doctored up picture of some one you don't know. that guy I am sure could kick your ass in real life.[/quote:16cc7]
[quote:16cc7]what a fucking moron notice no one cared. dumb ass swede. god your country is so fucking pathetic. the trash over europe. moron, lmao your 16 year old taktics dont work. did you think they were gonna say how cool you were for that. dumb ass. like you could prove it was even me. what an idiot. you can put any name you want on msn. fuck i may not even be who you think i am. dumb fucking kid. be glad i dont have friend hack your ip from msn and fucking up your bios voltage and fry motherboard god damn are you dumb. dont fuck with people that can and will fuck you up. try getting laid nerd. what a fucking moron if you only knew. [/quote:16cc7]
Shag, i love you.. oOo:
Ill do it your way, and make a list, ok?
Even you might be able to understand that..
#1 We are one of the biggest export countries in Europe, we are one of the wealthiest (sp?) and we do not engage ourselves in wars or other conflicts unless we have no other option.
#2 Im 18, got a job and Im due to join the army in a few months, as a recon officer. Do you even have a job?
#3 I dont think I need evidence to authenticate that it was you who wrote those few lines, nor do I need any to prove that you sent that mail to me..
#4 No, I didnt expect any replys to that post, since I didnt actually give a fuck about anything else than showing the rest of the guys here what an asshat you are..
#5 Hed have to be good to hack me, Im behind 1 router, 1 hub, firewalls on both of them, plus a firewall on my computer. Oh, did I mention Ive got a dynamic IP adress? If you know what that is..
#6 I pity you and your silly attempts of insulting me. Werent you the one who just stated that you didnt take anything of this seriously? That mail looks, to me, like youre taking things very seriously..
To stay on topic:
Since Im still pretty fresh home from the hospital, and just got to remove my stitches, Im just gonna stay at home and try to relax.
Wouldnt mind hanging at the pub with the rest of my friends tonight though.. cry:
Sorry for any flaws and faults in my spelling and grammers, Im merely Swede.. eek: