Originally Posted by "[MOD
Originally Posted by "Mr.Buttocks":f238f
Mexicans must be the lowest form of life here on earth. That's one fucked up country. I think I might start a new topic on this subject matter.
For real. First they come across to the US coz they can't drink their own water or walk around without being kidnapped, then they try and turn it into Mexico and expect us to conform to them and learn about them instead of the other way around.
Speak English or die.
Or maybe they are not as fortunate as you two dipshits and they are looking for more opportunities to help their families. Seriously, you guys are fucking morons, people from Mexico dont expect to have their needs catered, they are looking for work. Assholes.[/quote:f238f]
Ya, the Mexicans may not be as fortunate, but they could at least stay on their side of the Rio Grande instead of ours. You obviously never been to South Texas...or should I say North Mexico....[/quote:f238f]
What is the point of your post? Dude I live in Southern California. I visit LA and San Diego on a regular basis. This area has the same, if not more, concentration of latinos than Texas does. Why do they have to stay accross the border, when they can get a better job over here? If you were in their shoes you would do the same thing. Are you going to let your family starve because of a political border? What are you so worried about anyways? Youre what, 16 years old? What job are you worried about losing? They come over and do the jobs no one else wants and get paid nickles for it.[/quote:f238f]
Yes I am 16, all Im saying is that if theyre coming over here, come over legally, and without illegal drugs.[/quote:f238f]
Why do you think they come here illegally in the first place when they come here legally? They goto immigration but are replied with a "fuck off"[/quote:f238f]
Well I guarentee you a lot are illegal, wspecially with the knollege my UNcle gives me.[/quote:f238f]
How did drugs end up in this topic? People from Mexico arent the only ones bringing drugs in here, and if they are bringing drugs its becasue Americans are using them. That isnt a reason to stop everyone from Mexico from coming into the country.