I'm pretty sure the ones fighting now are hardcore loyalists;
I feel sorry for the average soldiers who got killed in the early days of the war, most of them obviously didn't want to die for Saddam (or they wouldn't surrender in whole regiments)
Yea maybe in the early days of the war i kind of felt bad for some of them cause they were forced to fight, but i dont feel bad for any of them now. There is no dictator forcing them to do this. That guy has rocket launcher pointed at one of our guys and you feel bad for him. Its his choice to continue fighting. I have no sympathy for anyone that continues to fight our guys even after Saddam is gone.
I just dont understand why he would crouch in the middle of the street like that..thats asking to get your ass shot up.You've got terrorist buddys,watch them do it before you run into the middle of the street with no cover at all..fucking rocket whore..