really want to brag about a stupid slamming door, and some gibberish that looks soo stupid that retarded kids would laugh at it? I can give you post after post in our forum of people who know how to code that give us praise on the site. Anyone, that had two brain cells to rub together would know how complex the page is and the code involved. on the other hand are as stupid as a bag of hammers.
Secondly,....let's see here you are in an open server with your buddy. My teammate pings high and you two run around together with shot guns....on Stalingrad. You really are proud of that, you think that you really did good camping corners with shotguns and waiting for people to come up stairs and shoot them from blind corners? I mean we already think that you are the disgrace of MOHAA, and everytime I look at your server it is empty. I am waiting I really want to go in there even with my 150-190 ping.
Although you guys are so cool I am sure there is a reason why that server is a ghost town.
Please tell me people....which site would you say is better? Even though it does not matter and anyone like I said with the IQ of 1 can figure this one out. Even your own web "designer" would tell you to shut up in comparing the two.
Look around can buy GF gear and see pictures of members.
Joey you original named tard I feel sorry for your handicapped pitiful sad ass.
Oh wait our server is up... 100 megabit co-location bad ass server. DId you shut down the Teamgod cable modem server already...I don't see it in the list kiddo.
"Especially when youre trying to lure more people into your f**king sick cult. I cna't beleive you sick peices of s**t are still alive, you should be sentanced to death. My god, having a clan that embraces murder and rape? You're the people that give gaming a bad name." - Koshi VISIT GF CLAN SITE EDITED FOR COWARDS
[This message has been edited by Spineharvester[GF] (edited January 30, 2002).]