Originally Posted by Fireal
Originally Posted by Swill1496
Originally Posted by strvs
Maybe you should be trying to find a way to get there rather than posting it on an internet forum sleeping:
On topic, no heart attacks in my family i can remember.
no pitty you self centered ass hole...
sorry to hear about this man... i`ve been blessed that my family hasnt had too many heart attacks...
Fuck you. and fuck static. I dont see why you made this thread. Its quite useless. I dont care about you, or your father.
It doesnt matter why he made it, what matters is that instead of being sympathetic, you are being a jackass. Sure you have no actual connection with his dad, so it wouldnt personally affect you, but you could at least be reasonable, and do what everyone else did and post something like "danm, i hope hes alright."
Static, I wish your dad a swift recovery.