Originally Posted by Buckweed
i got a question
you know how u can take over gang territories. is it a good idea to to take over all them before u move on? cuz I thought u can always come back to los santos and keep doing it, but after progressing the story, i come back to los santos and I cant do it anymore (maybe I can later, but im not far in the game)
If you take them all over before you first leave Los Santos, you get an AK-47, Molotov Cocktails, an MP5 and a sawed-off shotgun and $5000 (i think, i always collected before it reached that high) at your mother's house. Also you can max out your most of your weapons faster by doing the gang-wars. So it can be a good investment if you're low on cash.
But since you've already left, you're pretty much screwed until you come back to Los Santos at the end of the game.