Originally Posted by Acideyez
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Acideyez
wow youre a liteweight...how tall are you like 5 feet 6 inches?
5'7, and id rather be a healthy bmi, which I am, then be overweight.
youre a short skinny little fuck arent you...no wonder buck can take you down, like he did in that one grainy vid
im 17 and 6'0" and 170 lbs...im a bit overweight..but you sir, are underweight and thats not healthy.
I think Miscguy on this forum is 5'11 and 120. That's underweight. I am 20.6 on BMI, which is perfect health.
I wouldn't expect to beat up Chris, who is 6'0 as well as you are. The difference between him and you, is he doens't pick fights over the internet. What is the point of bashing height and so on, when it is something no body can change on their own? Id think you were 12 and not 17, if I heard a comment like that in person, but I guess everyones intelligence drops when they enter the internet.