...really, Im surprised I havent. Im no dare-devil, but I've heard of people breaking their bones from things that I did too, and suffered from not a bit. Like I remember my friend Cody from 5th grade broke his leg jumping from the top of the slide, which I then tried to no effect. I've also been crushed by 230 lb. kids (While I weigh 138), to no effect. Worst thing that ever happened to me was that I jammed by finger.
I was in my highschools gym last year about to start doing some leg presses. I go to release the catches and one wasnt set right, it slipped and let the 400+lbs I had on the machine fall onto my pinky. The entire weight was spread out over 1/8th inch of metal onto the very top of my finger nail. That hurt like hell. Nothing broke though. IT did bleed a lot.
Sometime in the 1990s.
Rolled off my parents bed on to a night stand and the sharp corner cracked me skull open/ slept through the rest of the night, woke up the next morning blood everywhere rushed to the docotrs, tied down to a table and was patched up. Now I have a nike symbol on my head.