Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003

06-04-2005, 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Zoner
I think he'll be found guilty. His only saving grace is the flakiness of the accuser's mother...with her prior lawsuits and shit.
Youre kidding right? The Prosecution came in at the last minute and was allowed to persue a lesser charge which would net Jackson a year in jail - serving booze to minors. If they were confident about the job they did - they would have simply gone with the first charge.
There is nothing here beyond conflicting testimonies and a helluva good deconstruction job on the mother. The prosecutions case was built on Jackson: molesting the child, keeping the child hostage and trying to get the family out of the country. So far the child contradicted himself on the stand, we know the mother not ONCE called the police when she had NUMEROUS free chances to escape, and that she herself filed FALSE charges of sexual abuse against a former boyfriend. Nevermind the boys that JACKSON "molested" previously coming up and saying no he did not molest me, and the Social Services worker who took the stand who worked with the kids and flat-out said not once did they say they were being molested by Jackson.
If hes found guilty then this - along with Scott Petersons conviction - will have convinced me that California is beyond freaking hope.