Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by harpua
i think i finally paid off my social security shit and college loans.
what's social security?
social security, when you work and get paid, some of that money is taken out in reservation for social security and when your retired you get that money back to live off of (eventhough it is really not that much to live off of) but anyway, the baby boomers are all starting to retire, and the generation after it was not as big aka us. so what will happen in a nutshell is we will end up paying for the baby boomers' retirement funds instead of ours and our kids will do the same for us and it goes down the line. AND we will have to work harder to suffice the bigger baby boomer generation.
thats why there is such a controversey over if ss should be kept. but if they get rid of it, than what about the peopel who are below the age of 60 (which i think is the age needed to collect ss $$)? they have been working for somethign they will never see? where should it end?