Just cut class at uni for two hours to go see it, I absolutely loved it. Great film, Spielberg owns. Cruise, once again plays a totally different 'average joe,' I really enjoy watching him on film, lately I've noticed he really gets into his characters, working their own mannerisms, movement, all the little things.
The one thing about the movie that pissed me off, was when Cruise's character went to kill Tim Robbins' character (The crazy ex-ambulance driver in the rundown house), he told his daughter to sing to herself. Why did he ask her to sing, of all things, when he is killing this guy for being noisy and drawing the attention of the invaders......??
That was the only thing that bugged me - And for those that didn't see it, and therefore, didn't read the spoiler - It's really not that big of an issue, just a nitpick on a reasonably important scene. It didn't stop me from LOVING the movie, and walking out of the theatre feeling like I got my moneys worth....
Originally Posted by KTOG
HAHHA! The part where that dude cries while masturbating basically captures the message that Wells was trying to explain.