Here all i'm focusing on is the reports of controlled demolitions. There is a pile more evidence, but for me to write it all up would take literally weeks.
A little fact for you is that only three steel buildings have ever collapsed from fire in the history of the world. WTC1 WTC2 and WTC7. The owner of WTC7 also said that they "pulled it" on a PBS program. He said it was determined that the building was unsafe so they put explosives in it to bring the building down. I would think that it would take more than a couple hours to set all the explosives. Usually takes weeks or careful planning when they bring buildings down. Anyway, the official report says that WTC7 collapsed because of fire. So someone's story is wrong. ... losion.wmv ... ... ness.2.wmv ... ness.1.wmv ... snbc.2.wmv
The above mp3 is edited from the radio transmissions of North Brunswick Volunteer Fire/Ladder Company #3 on 9/11. The mp3 begins with the collapse of the south tower, @3:23 there are three beeps - this signifies that time has moved on roughly 20 minutes to the collapse of the north tower.
Numerous reports of explosions are made in the transmissions...
I can't find the video, but here is a transcript of what Louie Cacchioli said:
[quote:c7934]fireman2: We made it outside, we made it about a block.
fireman1: We made it at least 2 blocks.
fireman2: 2 blocks.
fireman1: and we started runnin'
fireman2: poch-poch-poch-poch-poch-poch-poch
fireman1: Floor by floor it started poppin' out ..
fireman2: It was as if as if they had detonated, det..
fireman1: yea detonated yea
fireman2: as if they had planned to take down a building,
boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom ...
fireman1: All the way down, I was watchin it, and runnin'
fireman3: Just ran up west street.
fireman1: Then you just sort of ... this cloud of s___
just chasin' you down
fireman4: Where did you go?
fireman3: Just ran up west street.
fireman2: You couldn't outrun it.
fireman1: You couldn't outrun it.
fireman4: So what did you do?
fireman2: I jumped behind a battalion car,
I hid under the car, I was waitin' to die.[/quote:c7934]
And look here for an excellent article on Louie Cacchioli ... /29548.htm
There are better pics than that but for some reason I can't find them.
Anyway, I know i'm not going to change anyones mind here. Your definetly not going to change mine. I know what I know, and I'm glad that I do. I would hope that the US government is honest and all nice like you say, but they've already proved they aren't...WMD anyone?
See you on the other side.