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10-22-2005, 08:17 PM
The TIME artilce pretty much said the first thing that came to my mind:
Since when have terrorists been playing by the rules of ISLAM? The burning of the contractors in Iraq was what exactly. . .a sign of respect for your foe that can easily be miscontrued as bloodthirsty barbarism?
The unit was stupid to do what it did - with a fucking newsie embedded in the unit. . .and I have ZERO sympathy for the roasted terrorist - but its still a dumb thing to do.
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10-23-2005, 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by Tripper
It sounds bad, but the reality is appeasement is the safest option.
That's what the French said about the Germans when Hilter invaded Poland. It's also what many Americans said (and did) during the eight years prior to 9-11. As long as the US is friendly with Israel nothing we do will be appease them enough.
Well, you're not dealing with Hitler. This is what I mean, you can't make that comparison. Hitler was after Europe. These fanatics want America to leave the middle east, and stop fucking with it, the growth of terrorist cells is a result of that. - As for the eight years prior to 9/11....I think you need to read a little. I mean it's not like you guys weren't giving them a reason to attack you back then....and yeah, Israel is a problem, it was a fucked idea in the first place. Like I said, its going to get worse and worse if you mess with it though.
Originally Posted by Tripper
What you can control is the severity of the situation. You have two options, some terrorists....Or LOTS of terrorists.
I would say that giving the terrorists the sense of security that allows them to think they can fly a couple of planes into the World Trade Center is not controlling the situation but adding to the severity of it.
Sense of security? They're suicide bombers for fucks sake. Do you think going deeper into the middle east, opening more fronts and wasting more time, money, and lives is going to stop them from doing it again? You're better off increasing security in your own country and reducing influence there.
Originally Posted by Tripper
It's exactly like a hornet's nest. You get stung a couple of times, so you decide the best way to deal with it, is to get closer to it and fuck with it some more.
You're right. Only the hornets nest was stired up a couple of thousand years ago and we have the choice now of standing here and being stung repeatedly or spraying the hive with the wasp spray we are holding.
Where is your wasp spray? Nukes? Hah. What you're doing now is standing there and being stung. I don't see any progress being made whatsoever.
Originally Posted by Tripper
I'm saying in order to keep your country safe and your families safer, the best option is to just avoid them.
Again, history proves that that statement is not accurate. Even if we did completely pull out of every muslim country in the world they would continue their terrorist activities.
That could be true. But you can't control that. What I'm saying is going in there is making it worse. How would reducing influence/pulling out make it worse?
Originally Posted by Tripper
There is a reason why they're pissed at the U.S and not at other countries. It's not as if you guys hadn't done something to piss them off.
Actually they have carried out terrorist activities in a large number of countries. (both before and after 9-11) They pretty much hate anybody that does not follow whatever muslim sect they belong to.
Name one country that wasn't affiliated with the coalition, or a country that's target wasn't an embassy for another country. Probably VERY few, if any, cases of that. Even then, it's something you can't control. You can prepare for it - But you can't stop it. There will always be terrorism in one form or another. There's no point in giving these kinds of people more of a reason to do it.
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10-23-2005, 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Tripper
It sounds bad, but the reality is appeasement is the safest option.
Not going to happen, I guess you and Spain can do all the appeasing you want, just remember that we told you that is a bad idea, when the terrorists come to chop off your infidel head.
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10-23-2005, 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Quze
Originally Posted by Arkan
Who gives a fuck....it's war.
Thats one thing i could never really understand.....rules of war. You're out there to win...fuck the rules! American journalism tries to make us out to be some kind of saviour......it's all bullshit. Give me weapons and set me free in Iraq and i'll do whatever it takes to win and come home alive. Rules? fuck you...i'm in it to win no matter what. Same applies to street fighting. Don't expect me not to gouge out your eye balls and kick you in the throat!
I agree. Do what it takes to win. Just like the guys in Iraq... car bombings, kidnappings, beheadings, fuck the rules!
...Just as long as they don't burn the bodies of the dead, it's all good.
If you put yourself on the same level as the "evil" you are fighting... what then ? Does that not make you a terrorist as well on a much larger scale ?
MUCH of this now "struggle" with terrorism is based off of the fact that you should have the moral high ground. Without it... Everything is a undeniable falsehood.
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10-23-2005, 07:22 PM
The Geneva convention is there for a reason, the USA & Afghanistan just need to sign it.
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10-23-2005, 07:54 PM
They were terrorists. fuck them, burn them.
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10-23-2005, 08:26 PM
[quote="newt.":94786]They were terrorists. fuck them, burn them.[/quote:94786] eek:
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10-23-2005, 08:31 PM
[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":26085]The Geneva convention is there for a reason, the USA & Afghanistan just need to sign it.[/quote:26085]
that was done loooooong ago
those that signed
http://www.icrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng0.ns ... %20ENG.pdf
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10-23-2005, 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Arkan
Who gives a fuck....it's war.
Thats one thing i could never really understand.....rules of war. You're out there to win...fuck the rules! American journalism tries to make us out to be some kind of saviour......it's all bullshit. Give me weapons and set me free in Iraq and i'll do whatever it takes to win and come home alive. Rules? fuck you...i'm in it to win no matter what. Same applies to street fighting. Don't expect me not to gouge out your eye balls and kick you in the throat!
I must say I disagree. Its one thing to do everything to come out on top in a combat situation. Its another to disgrace/dishonor your enemies by doing something like that. What many soldiers fail to realize, is that those people are people just like us. Some of teh soldiers that are burning that mans body couldve been born in Afganistan, raised to hate the US, and then when the US invaded, they would join the holy war against America. And it would be their bodies that would now be dishonored. Again, I agree with you about winning a war, I even have a relevant quote in my sig "There is no point in having a war unless one can end it in victory." However, in doing wat these soldiers are doing, they are showing utter contempt for their defeated opponents. Men who gave their lives fighting for a cause they deemed worthy of dieing for. Is that not honorable? Do those men not deserve to be buried normally? When Somalis ravaged bodies of American pilots during Operation Gothic Serpent, Americans were outraged. I sure was. And yet, from what you are saying, its just war, get over it....
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10-23-2005, 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Johnj
Originally Posted by Tripper
It sounds bad, but the reality is appeasement is the safest option.
Not going to happen, I guess you and Spain can do all the appeasing you want, just remember that we told you that is a bad idea, when the terrorists come to chop off your infidel head.
LOL, god your full of shit....Me and my country didn't do shit to any Arabs and therefore aren't a target. ...Because of my countries foreign policy I have absolutely ZERO worries about my country being targeted by islamic fundamentalists. It just wouldn't happen. As for spain - Since they pulled their troops out, what has happened to them? Nothing.
These terrorists that are beheading "infidels" have on a many occasions released hostages whose countries were not affiliated with your coalition.
So don't talk to me about terrorists coming to "chop off my infidel head." Seems like YOU have been brainwashed into thinking these kinds of people have no real agenda and are just killing white people willy-nilly.
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10-24-2005, 06:38 AM
So you think your safe. Ever vacation in Bali. Pretty soon you won't be able to vacation anywhere in the South Pacific except Christchurch, and then guess who will be coming for a visit. What would you do if a neighborhood bully came and told you to give hin a dollar? How about someone in the mob looking for protection money? You can say it isn't the same thing, but it is. The terrorists are not attacking your country right now because they have a bigger problem with the USA and England. Do I agree with the way my country is going about this "War on Terror". No I don't, I didn't vote for Dubba either. Using the military on terrorists makes them more powerful politically, when all they are is criminals.You say nothing has happened to Spain since they capitulated and voted in politicians that pulled their troops out of the coalition. Now a group of terrorists can make demands on the Spanish government, and if they don't get their way the terrorist will plant another bomb.
As to being full of shit, I have blue eyes so I guess I'm a quart low. And I haven't been brainwashed, I'm not advocating having our military over in the Middle East. If the problem is our military is Saudi Arabia, the Saudi government asked us to be there.
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10-25-2005, 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by Johnj
So you think your safe. Ever vacation in Bali.
Yeah, I do think I'm safe - As safe as I can be. If my country were to join the coalition - We'd be targeted by "al queda," which would make us that much more unsafe.....and no, I haven't been to Bali, nor would I ever go - For three reasons:
1.) It's full of Australians (The reason why it was bombed).
2.) It's insane marijuana laws.
3.) Asia doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. (Except Japan)
Originally Posted by Johnj
Pretty soon you won't be able to vacation anywhere in the South Pacific except Christchurch, and then guess who will be coming for a visit.
Why won't I be able to vacation anywhere in the south pacific? You're a fucking idiot if you think I'm going to be threatened by terrorists in Samoa or Tonga, or anywhere around there...There is no motive at all, with tiny (if ANY) muslim communities, and even then probably zero extremists...(Bali was bombed by Muslim extremists who lived there - Not by outside forces.
...and why Christchurch? You know that's not the only other town in my country. Paranoid AND ignorant. rolleyes:
...I can't guess who will be coming for a visit. Every attack so far has had a degree of motive. There is no motive for an attack on NZ soil. We haven't fucked with, nor supported the fucking with of any country in the middle east.
Originally Posted by Johnj
What would you do if a neighborhood bully came and told you to give hin a dollar?
This is NOT the same.....and YOU know it. Please, I'm not a moron.
Originally Posted by Johnj
How about someone in the mob looking for protection money? You can say it isn't the same thing, but it is.
I wouldn't have fucked with the mob in the first place....and you're right, I CAN say it isn't the same thing, and that's probably because IT ISN'T.
Originally Posted by Johnj
The terrorists are not attacking your country right now because they have a bigger problem with the USA and England.
.....And why do you think that is? oOo:
They're not going to attack my country, because like I said, there is no real motive for them to do so. What point would they be proving? Their 'holy war' feels justified to them because of the "fuck you" in-your-face attitude from your country that I've been going on about and the fact that the U.S is fucking around and killing their people in their own 'holy land.' The rest of the coalition are targets as well because of their support of these actions and attitudes.
Originally Posted by Johnj
You say nothing has happened to Spain since they capitulated and voted in politicians that pulled their troops out of the coalition. Now a group of terrorists can make demands on the Spanish government, and if they don't get their way the terrorist will plant another bomb.
That's retarded. They would plant a bomb anyway. Do you think because the U.S doesn't meet their demands, that their not going to target you guys anymore? They'll keep doing it until you pull out. They're relentless in their motive.
The difference with Spain is they won't because they have met their demand and therefore have no motive to do so. Since Spain has removed themselves from affiliation with the coalition there is no reason for them to attack it.
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10-25-2005, 06:37 AM
So your solution is to meet whatever demands the terrorists make. Don't go to this country because the terrorist might not like some vacationers there. Cut all ties with the Middle East.
What are the terrorist demanding? What exactly do the extremist Muslims want? Their stated goal is to destroy western society and replace it with an Islamic state.
That sounds good, dont you agree.
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10-25-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Johnj
So your solution is to meet whatever demands the terrorists make.
No. I never said "whatever" demands they make. Regarding affiliation with the coalition, sure - There is enough non-islamic people out there demanding that as it is anyway. These demands are threats, and quite frankly, I'm not going to test the threats of a group of people who are willing to die and WILL die for their cause, when it's a demand that so many of them all agree on.
You watch, they won't try and take over the world - That's why I think you've been brainwashed into thinking that. They don't want the rest of the world. They want their 'holy land' free from meddling Christians. If that's all it takes to not worry about people coming to blow up my family, or fly planes into my countries' buildings, then sure - I mean fair enough, if bigger countries were fucking with my country like that I'd be pissed off too.
Originally Posted by Johnj
Don't go to this country because the terrorist might not like some vacationers there.
The Bali bombers were Indonesian. Not middle eastern. It was their home,and Australians are the number one vacationers there by a long shot. There is a considerable population of muslims there and obviously where there are lots of muslims, there are extremists. You could see it coming.
....and besides, if the Australians hadn't gotten involved in the first place, that attack would never have happened. It wasnt just a random attack on white "christians."
Originally Posted by Johnj
Cut all ties with the Middle East
No. Cut ties with countries who have influence in the middle eats, but don't have the middle east's best interests in mind, or who are working against the middle east. Let the fuckers have their deserts and camels without being in an American/coalition headlock....
Originally Posted by Johnj
What are the terrorist demanding? What exactly do the extremist Muslims want? Their stated goal is to destroy western society and replace it with an Islamic state.
Do you think if that was their stated goal from the get-go, that they would have attempted this years ago? Back when there wasn't as much western influence in their countries? They could have launched chemical attacks, got ahold of nukes, bombs, anything. This is a modern thing. This is a result of years of westerners meddling in their affairs.
...And that is a minority of terrorist groups who agree with that anyway - Most just want the coalition out.
These people are not as enlightened about true motives - They don't understand. All they see is a largely unjustified war (To them anyway) in their land, and whatever else al-jazeera or any media reports...How is going to war with them making it better? It's just increasing the death toll on both sides. It's making it worse, and doubling the population of muslims who are willing to blow themselves up to get revenge for their dead kids who died from American bombs....All the dedicated muslim kids who see this kind of shit (Americans burning taliban bodies) on al-jazeera, and decide, "They are pigs, lets kill those american fucks, look at what they do to us - They despise us."
The burning of bodies, abu ghraib, the fucking with the koran - It's all part of the "fuck you" attitude, and that's what it does to help the situation. To top it off, they see the dedicated support of these actions from Americans.
This is also a demonstration of how powerful the media is these days and how it's not the same as past wars where the same attitude has been in existance.
I don't support their actions, but I also don't support fucking with the middle east for the various reasons above.
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10-25-2005, 08:14 PM
[quote="TGB!":96375]The TIME artilce pretty much said the first thing that came to my mind:
Since when have terrorists been playing by the rules of ISLAM? The burning of the contractors in Iraq was what exactly. . .a sign of respect for your foe that can easily be miscontrued as bloodthirsty barbarism?
what a ignorant view, then again if your so ignorant to worship and defend everything that bush does or says, or try to say in Bush's case im not surprised.
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