Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by Tripper
...I don't get it. oOo:
The coach at the Air Force Academy just got it big trouble for saying blacks run faster than whites.
I never said anything like that. oOo:
the reason minorties are not in hockey is because it is an expensive sport to have your kids playing. That is changing now that more blacks are climbing the corporate ladder. Back in the 70s and 80s it was much different. The guys playing now were born then. Back then there was a greater divide between what whites were paid and what blacks were paid, thankfully that has changed. You will see many more black players in the near future.
It's also because only recently has the black population in Canada risen to 2.0% - and that is a bigger hockey country than the states...
Yeah, its really expensive down here, because it's not as popular as it is overseas, so supplies of the gear is alot more limited. I had to pay alot of money when I played. I never thought it was because of racism or anything like that.....But 14 black people in the entire NHL is really interesting when they're dominating most of the other pro-sports.