i dont see whats so bad about letting the little girl shoot the gun, althought its quite hillbillyish. At least she can now respect the power of a firearm.
there's nothing irresponsible about that. The dude was guiding the MG half the time; she had ear protection; there was no kick-back from the mounted gun. She was shooting at a convention and not at deer in her back yard.
[quote="Bean 2":c39ba]Lets stop kids from playing violent video games and instead let them fire real guns...WOOHOO, GET ER DONE![/quote:c39ba]
Id love to go shooting right now. For some reason video games have been pissing me off lately. I cant stand to play them for more than like 20 minutes then im done. And right now shooting a real gun(at a target) would probably kill some of my stress not to mention be fun.
i dont see a problem with letting her shoot the gun. she was totally supervised and what not. pyro you are a fucking moron for trying to compare drugs and guns. for one drugs can damage your body, and shooting guns for recreation cannot hurt you unless an accident happens.
Most of the comments made regarding the irresponsibility of letting a little girl fire the mounted machine guns stems from a misunderstanding of how things were set up and plain old disinformation for all things firearm related. No surprise there...