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Doctor Duffy is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 05:24 PM

lol, whatever
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Default 01-19-2006, 05:24 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":60118]
Originally Posted by Nyck
ya I don't even know why your dad signed you up for that shit, you're just gonna be a worthless piece of shit when you grow up anyways.

while you annoy everyone every day with stupid fucking posts, take pictures of yourself wearing tinfoil teeth and chains and live life every day with a nose that can be viewed with google earth.

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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Sgt. Paine is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 05:50 PM

I barely got HW in 9th grade, got a bunch in 10th, and more in 11th. speaking of homework, i have to make up 6 days of work tonight for US history and physics!! yay
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Default 01-19-2006, 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by Miscguy
I make more than all of my friends who went to 4 year colleges. I never even took a PSAT. You pay 20+ grand for a peice of paper. Relax, drop the advanced shit and coast through high school with the easiest A's you can imagine.

I didnt do shit, literally, in high school and i had a's and b's. I never, not for one semeser had a full 6 classes. You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.
yea but you get paid for doing hard ass labor. there are people who make more than you and sit behind a desk directing you
You enjoy that desk, meanwhile i can pick up my portfolio and transfer to construction projects around the country or world. Differant priorities i guess.

Originally posted by Miscguy:
You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.

Elaborate and I will give you money.[/quote:1bec9]

Whats not to understand? High school is pointless except teaching you how to read people so you can manipulate them. I guess if you take i at face value then sure its just to "learn" from books. Considering most teachers are horrible at there jobs and the information your gaining doesnt apply anywhere outside of those walls; why would you think that your advancing yourself in the outside world?

Public education is a disservice to the work force.
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Whatada is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 06:46 PM

Without this thread, the internet would have imploded.

Thank you, Duffy.


Originally Posted by Arch
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Default 01-19-2006, 07:03 PM

[quote="Unknown_Sniper":7e877]As a Freshman; Get your work done, learn to pace yourself and get used to the highschool style of things. Also relax you're in highschool!
As a sophmore; Relax a little more, take some harder classes, Maybe have some Standardised testing(at least out here we did). And relax
As a junior; Live it up, Its your last year of really hard work. You are almost a senior. Take SAT's and all that shit and relax
As a Senior; You are expected to slack. Every teacher I had senior year said we would and everyone did. It just happens. Also enjoy those free blocks you have. Continue to get your work done and get into college.
You are only a freshman, unless you have some serious aspirations in life why are you worrying about college so early? Im not exactly a great role model but I didnt worry about college until around december of my Senior year. Then I looked at one school, loved it and I wish I never graduate here. I love this place. Im not saying dont look, but dont stress college yet.
Yes homework sucks. But trust me 6 hours of homework is NOTHING. Staying up until 11 is NOTHING compared to some college work. Ive worked 12 hours straight on just one project last semester 9pm-9am just to meet the deadline. Im sure your homework is tiring, but its highschool and the absolute worst that could happen to you is you get lower grades and teachers ask you if anythign is wrong. When you get to college if you fuck up in a class, congrats you just blew a few grand for an F. IF you fail too many classes goodbye your out on your ass.
Take my advice and dont over stress in highschool. I saw too many people tear themselves apart because of their work. Remember its not the assignment thats important, Its the things you learn doing the assignment that are imporant.[/quote:7e877]

I was reading this thread and stopped right here at "Unknown Snipers'" words. He hit the nail on the head. Listen to him and forgo any other advice given thus far.

loct !!

The world is my urinal
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Doctor Duffy is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 07:27 PM

Well, thanks a lot bud-buds, I guess that kinda helped. It was the kinda the advice i thought I would end up w/, but thats still pretty cool.
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Whatada is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 07:29 PM

[quote="Unknown_Sniper":f28a2]As a Freshman; Get your work done, learn to pace yourself and get used to the highschool style of things. Also relax you're in highschool!
As a sophmore; Relax a little more, take some harder classes, Maybe have some Standardised testing(at least out here we did). And relax
As a junior; Live it up, Its your last year of really hard work. You are almost a senior. Take SAT's and all that shit and relax
As a Senior; You are expected to slack. Every teacher I had senior year said we would and everyone did. It just happens. Also enjoy those free blocks you have. Continue to get your work done and get into college.
You are only a freshman, unless you have some serious aspirations in life why are you worrying about college so early? Im not exactly a great role model but I didnt worry about college until around december of my Senior year. Then I looked at one school, loved it and I wish I never graduate here. I love this place. Im not saying dont look, but dont stress college yet.
Yes homework sucks. But trust me 6 hours of homework is NOTHING. Staying up until 11 is NOTHING compared to some college work. Ive worked 12 hours straight on just one project last semester 9pm-9am just to meet the deadline. Im sure your homework is tiring, but its highschool and the absolute worst that could happen to you is you get lower grades and teachers ask you if anythign is wrong. When you get to college if you fuck up in a class, congrats you just blew a few grand for an F. IF you fail too many classes goodbye your out on your ass.
Take my advice and dont over stress in highschool. I saw too many people tear themselves apart because of their work. Remember its not the assignment thats important, Its the things you learn doing the assignment that are imporant.[/quote:f28a2] You just scared me into doing my homework, right now. Thanks. cool:

Originally Posted by Arch
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Default 01-19-2006, 07:40 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":89f8a]Well, what I'm really wondering, do any of you guys do AP?[/quote:89f8a]
I do.

I did AP Biology last year, and I'm in AP Calculus, AP Environmental Science, AP English, and AP Psychology. The majority of it is easy if you do the work. English is my downfall...I'll be lucky to get a 3 on the exam. I got a 4 on my AP Bio exam. Best Class Ever.

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Default 01-19-2006, 07:44 PM

Kill yourself if you have too much homework
It's like with more gay jokes.
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[DAS REICH] Blitz is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 07:46 PM

Wow, don't complain about homework. You guys do not know hell until you see what i have.

I have 6 classes everyday.
In Honors Biology, we have to read 10 pages everynight. Every two weeks we have a lab (and afters a 5 page lab report). Every week, we have a test on the previous weeks chapters. And once in a while we have pop quizzes.
In AP US History, we have a quiz everyday on the previous nights reading (5-6 page stuff with 10 questions per quiz). Every month we have an AP style test.
In English, we read 30 pages per night in books like A Tale of Two Cities, MacBeth, Catcher in the Rye, etc. A paper and a test for each book (we read 8 books through the year).
In Honors French, we have a test every two weeks, with a minimum of 50 new vocabulary words. We also get graded on class particpation, so doing the homework is essential. Its difficult because its not English, and you essentially have to fully understand what yoru doing so you can get a good grade.
In Honors Algebra 2, we have a test every 3 weeks, and a graded homework assingment daily. And with a teacher as shitty as mine, its hard to understand this stuff.
In Art, you fuck around, but you have at least one piece of art work done per week.

I get to school at 8 am, and because athletics/clubs are required, you really don't leave until 6 pm. So, after eating, showering, etc., I don't start my homework until 7 pm at the earliest. At the earliest though, if i gave 100% effort for every class, i would finish around 12 am. If i had a test though, it would be probably later. And for those who complain about weekend homework, I probably spend an upwords of 7+ hours per weekend just on homework (excluding studying and papers). So far, the worst occasion this year was on Columbus day weekend, when i had 3 test and 2 papers for the next week. Worked from 9 am-11 pm every day for the entire 3-day weekend.

I'm in highschool too oOo: . plzdie:

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Default 01-19-2006, 07:48 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":9d86c]Wow, don't complain about homework. You guys do not know hell until you see what i have.

I have 6 classes everyday.
In Honors Biology, we have to read 10 pages everynight. Every two weeks we have a lab (and afters a 5 page lab report). Every week, we have a test on the previous weeks chapters. And once in a while we have pop quizzes.
In AP US History, we have a quiz everyday on the previous nights reading (5-6 page stuff with 10 questions per quiz). Every month we have an AP style test.
In English, we read 30 pages per night in books like A Tale of Two Cities, MacBeth, Catcher in the Rye, etc. A paper and a test for each book (we read 8 books through the year).
In Honors French, we have a test every two weeks, with a minimum of 50 new vocabulary words. We also get graded on class particpation, so doing the homework is essential. Its difficult because its not English, and you essentially have to fully understand what yoru doing so you can get a good grade.
In Honors Algebra 2, we have a test every 3 weeks, and a graded homework assingment daily. And with a teacher as shitty as mine, its hard to understand this stuff.
In Art, you fuck around, but you have at least one piece of art work done per week.

I get to school at 8 am, and because athletics/clubs are required, you really don't leave until 6 pm. So, after eating, showering, etc., I don't start my homework until 7 pm at the earliest. At the earliest though, if i gave 100% effort for every class, i would finish around 12 am. If i had a test though, it would be probably later. And for those who complain about weekend homework, I probably spend an upwords of 7+ hours per weekend just on homework (excluding studying and papers). So far, the worst occasion this year was on Columbus day weekend, when i had 3 test and 2 papers for the next week. Worked from 9 am-11 pm every day for the entire 3-day weekend.

I'm in highschool too oOo: . plzdie:[/quote:9d86c]
Wow with that workload I would expect more from your online banter. I'm not talking about on par with a Rhodes scholar but something above the level of retard to which you so often come off as. gg tho
It's like with more gay jokes.
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Jotun is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 07:51 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":59d49]Wow, don't complain about homework. You guys do not know hell until you see what i have.

I have 6 classes everyday.
In Honors Biology, we have to read 10 pages everynight. Every two weeks we have a lab (and afters a 5 page lab report). Every week, we have a test on the previous weeks chapters. And once in a while we have pop quizzes.
In AP US History, we have a quiz everyday on the previous nights reading (5-6 page stuff with 10 questions per quiz). Every month we have an AP style test.
In English, we read 30 pages per night in books like A Tale of Two Cities, MacBeth, Catcher in the Rye, etc. A paper and a test for each book (we read 8 books through the year).
In Honors French, we have a test every two weeks, with a minimum of 50 new vocabulary words. We also get graded on class particpation, so doing the homework is essential. Its difficult because its not English, and you essentially have to fully understand what yoru doing so you can get a good grade.
In Honors Algebra 2, we have a test every 3 weeks, and a graded homework assingment daily. And with a teacher as shitty as mine, its hard to understand this stuff.
In Art, you fuck around, but you have at least one piece of art work done per week.

I get to school at 8 am, and because athletics/clubs are required, you really don't leave until 6 pm. So, after eating, showering, etc., I don't start my homework until 7 pm at the earliest. At the earliest though, if i gave 100% effort for every class, i would finish around 12 am. If i had a test though, it would be probably later. And for those who complain about weekend homework, I probably spend an upwords of 7+ hours per weekend just on homework (excluding studying and papers). So far, the worst occasion this year was on Columbus day weekend, when i had 3 test and 2 papers for the next week. Worked from 9 am-11 pm every day for the entire 3-day weekend.

I'm in highschool too oOo: . plzdie:[/quote:59d49]
haha please....

I work 16.5 hours a week (im in highschool so i dont wanna get "I work 50 hours a week" from you full-timers). I read 2 chapters from my AP English text book, a chapter from my psych text book, text pages for AP calc, usually APES, and not to mention novels we are reading in AP English. Almost every night. From September to November, we read 8 novels. Dont complain about 10 pages a night.

My AP Bio class, I had to write 10 page bio labs, and a 15 page (single spaced) Animal project describing EACH phylum of invertebrates and vertebrates.

and yes, im a senior...i shouldnt be doing this.

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anti is Offline
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Default 01-19-2006, 07:52 PM

first year at college and i dont do jack shit.

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Default 01-19-2006, 07:52 PM

my senior year I had two 4 classes I needed to pass the rest I just dicked around in oOo:
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