Originally Posted by elstatec
Originally Posted by Nyck
the inspectors did find documents at their nuclear facility that showed how to implement it into a war head.
any hard evidence on that? any hard evidence that shows that iran are seeking nuclear weapons? any evidence that iran has a nuclear weapon program?
ignorant unreasonable speculation based on bullshit has caused this situation.
"Initial reports said the IAEA was given the documents at that time but the diplomats said Friday that Tehran handed them over only last week in a show of cooperation meant to head off increasing international consensus on reporting Iran to the Security Council over suspicions that its nuclear activities might be a cover for developing weapons."
how much more hard evidence do you need that Iran handing the fucking documents over to the IAEA and saying "oh these were just given to us on the black market, we didnt ask for them.
Originally Posted by tomxtr
[quote:da401]The IAEA brief also said the agency had seen an Iranian document which can only be used in making nuclear weapons parts.
Iran said it had not asked for the document, which it received from the black market network in nuclear weapons, run by Pakistani scientist A Q Khan.
I hardly call it "ignorant unreasonable speculation based on bullshit" Its called Iran bringing it on themselves for defying UN sanctions.