Originally Posted by anti
Originally Posted by eeves
Originally Posted by Arch
Originally Posted by eeves
Lets try this.... Buttocks is getting accused of killing Swill with a gun. The accuser has a video of Buttocks firing the gun and killing Swill. They give it to the judge and the judge looks at it and sees Buttocks pulling the trigger. The evidence has been provided and obviously tells taht Buttocks is a murderer. do you think there is the need to hear Buttock's side?
well yeah, we have to know the motive, which is obvious, but you know
You would have to know the motive to determine his punishment (jail time, death penatly, etc..) not if he is innocent or not.
what if he was criminally insane?
Still guilty, nonetheless depending on his mental issue he would go to a mental institution or jail. The factor that determines if you go to jail is whether you were able to determine what you did was right or wrong.