[quote="Short Hand":5401d][quote=c312]
Originally Posted by "Short Hand":5401d
You all insult them, Yet their penal system is FAR superior to the American system. Not to mention that their criminals have a habit to NOT re-offend as much. ed: ... Maybe you should take notes....
I don't think it's just to have people "punished" by living in those conditions. I don't think the living quarters are the reason why they have better systems, but if they were, I wouldn't care. I'm not paying for a criminal to have nicer quarters than me, it's as simple as that--it's not right.[/quote:5401d]
It is about rehabilitation. Not Punishment. If you throw someone into an enviroment like San.Q, What do you get in return ? Someone worse ! Who will leave the system, and re-offend.(This in return costs you more money) NOW this luxury prison is not the solution here in North America, but it is an example we should look apon to slowly change it here, and develope it into a state where this could be acceptable.[/quote:5401d]
I can write a book about the American Judicial system and still not be able to explain everything. Here in NY, we have a shitload of state prisons and each is set up differently according to the era in which it was built. As time passes and times change, new prisons are build around the ideology for that particular time. I can honestly say, no system has been proven to be better over the other in the long run. An inmate is an inmate, no matter what. Times may change but the bad guys still remain "bad guys". Only a small portion of incarcerated people actually turn their lives around after prison and never get in trouble again. Most are repeat offenders who live their lives around the judicial system.
Prison is supposed to be a place to house the bad away from the general public. It's really not a place for punishment, nor rehabilitation. There's a line in between where the prison system sits. Yes, there are rehab programs but for the most part, it's something for the prisoners to do. Same as TV. it's not a right, it's a privilege It's just something to occupy their time. A bored prisoner is just like a kid, they'll eventually get into trouble if they're bored. These "programs" look good on paper, but they are merely a deterent to boredom.
As for the Austrian prison....yes, it's a nice place but....i bet that prison is set up to house only the "model prisoner". Prisons like that are used as a tool to gain "good behavior". If a guy there fucks up in the slightest, BAM, out he goes. We have similar shit like that in the US. Places for the "model prisoner", and places for the worst of the worst. It's nothing more than a tool to gain compliance and good behavior.