11-06-2007, 01:41 PM
This argument is dumb. You guys are all being pretty black and white on the issue.
Drugs should be taken in moderation blah blah, you can have fun on them ya all that is true - and yes, it is also true that some people have more addictive personalities than other people - Some people will use drugs as a leg to stand on in times of need. This means there are people who just shouldn't even touch that first hit/toke/line, because they are too weak and/or are trying these drugs for the wrong reasons. There are also people who can take drugs one day and be fine and dandy the next.
Drugs aren't for everyone - The problem is, theres only one way to find this out - and thats to take them.
HOWEVER - It is a total contradiction to have TWO of the more dangerous and addictive drugs accepted and partially regulated by society, when meanwhile you're locking people up and destroying their lives for doing other drugs that are potentially LESS dangerous and LESS affecting.