[quote="Doctor Duffy":1c857]
Originally Posted by Acideyez
PS: Duffy my sister says you are hot and she is 14 too.
No way. I've been through so many years of girllessness, thats a total shocker to me. I mean a real one. I only posted pics of myself in my CC uniform because I was going to practice within two hours of that, and just decided I should just put the uniform now instead. (Later found out my shirt was insideout - thats why "Hinkley" is the right side in the mirror image)
Never aimed for an Ashton Kutcher look - tan skin is just kinda natura'le, and hair curved its way into that, just by letting it grow. I hate the attention whore, too.
LASAGNA POST PICTARS!11111111111111[/quote:1c857]