Originally Posted by "Sgt>Stackem":50d16
they can kiss my ass! the french suck! ship them a bar of soap and some razors! They hate us soIm gonna hate em back. They are sooo arogant its unreal, they whine about all the things the US does. We get NO support from them until they need us, then its all kissy kissy. F&CK THEM
Well, I guess in the Revolutionary war, your army was using pitchforks instead of french muskets. It's not like america isn't arrogant either.[/quote:50d16]
Like Patton said after American forces helped liberate France. "Lafayette was more than repaid". The French only helped America because they had dreams of reestablishing their North American empire after they lost the French and Indian War. Believe me, their assistance to us was very self serving. I don't feel we owe the French anything. Our soldiers more than repaid any meager debt with World War II when twice in 20 years they failed to adequately defend their own country. This is not out of animosity toward the /french that I am saying this, because i like everyone for the most part. Just my $0.02. biggrin: