Originally Posted by hachiman
Not according to your Mom Thermopyle.
She finds me Damn Important between the sheets
Yeah, that was called for. Idiot.
Anyway, I just got done playing some TDM with the 2.11 version and the only things I noticed are:
1. The Grenade launching rifle
replaces the Axis shotgun. Allies can still use a shottie, but Axis cant. Hmm, the balance... the balance.
2. It seemes less choppy.
3. The animations are still whacked. When I hit some people with SMG, they still slid around, sometimes with the weapon pointing to the ground.
This guy was moving around, with his leg kicked up:
4. SMG is still an option for snipers. I took a guy out in the steeple on Stadt from half way across the map with the MP-40. oOo:
5. I didnt get to see any crouch-sliding, cause no one crouched.