Well, it's almost midnight in Spain, so happy Sunday!
Delator 2.0 for MoHaa classic can be downloaded at:
http://cealweb.net/modules.php?name=Dow ... tit&lid=20 (Filefront)
Tomorrow I'll send it to aa.com, tmt and mohadmin.
Anyway, keep warned that it's still a Beta. The latest additions haven't been thoroughly tested, so use it at your own risk. If you found any problems, please report them to:
http://mohadmin.com/nuke/modules.php?na ... 286a7#3486
Don't use it without checking the help first!!! It has been updated with the latest details and further info, so be sure to check it even if you did read the online version.
By the way, if it's working for you, report it also, so that I can breath again ;-) . If you want to see it in action before trying it, pay a visit to CEAL server.
Thanks to you all for the support ;-)