Mine, Red and black to match my computer, and whole desk setup. Sorry about the large pic, it was the smallest size I could get it to without it being grainy.
Winamp 2.81 seems better since 3 seemed to lack features(from what I noticed) So I just went back. Sure 3 has those skins, but there......big..... eek:
[quote="Art Attack":1267f]ok, I got XP and I still have the basic, green start button grey task bar, I wanna change and spice up my deskptop! how?[/quote:1267f]
[url="http://www.wincustomize.com"]http://www.wincustomize.com[/url] go to window blinds. Need software, not free.
Or http://www.themexp.org (Dont know if its up yet) and try some there, again you need software that isnt free.