yeah in alabama everyone is dumb, not just the rednecks. At least in Brampton you don't have to be 21 to drink ahahaha and you don't have to worry about moonshine.
[quote:4b6db]and who says u have to be 21 to drink in Alabama?[/quote:4b6db]
Originally Posted by Blitz
yeah in alabama everyone is dumb, not just the rednecks. At least in Brampton you don't have to be 21 to drink ahahaha and you don't have to worry about moonshine.
In answer to your question I believe it may have been Blitz that said you have to be 21 to drink in Alabama.
[quote:4b6db]PAY ATTENTION NEXT TIME! hake:[/quote:4b6db]
yeah in alabama everyone is dumb, not just the rednecks. At least in Brampton you don't have to be 21 to drink ahahaha and you don't have to worry about moonshine.
We need cold fusion........ like Sim City 3000. biggrin:
we'd probably have fusion power now if sciantists and business men got off their ass and did something rather than accepting the oil/gas status quo oOo:
......and seedless watermelons, 15 years in development. Forget the AIDS epidemic in Africa for a minute, spitting out watermelon pits is a major fucking problem.
Re: Its Funking 30 to 20 degrees in AL -
01-24-2003, 09:18 PM
[quote="pAt|2i0T":ebe2b]So damn cold here in alabama cry:[/quote:ebe2b]
fuckin pussy! -32 degrees today in edmonton and im gonna be there next week. Now thats fucking cold!
lol i use both. For height and weight I use the american standard feet and weight but for liquid, distance(yes, odd, height and distance, yet i use different systems) and of course weather.. 40degrees here=very hot lol. but i think once is gets to freezing they both run on the same numbers not sure though :S
the effects of global warming are so exaggerated that even if the ice melted it wouldn't really affect the ocean a whole lot, it might move up about 5-10 ft but who fucking cares I'll be dead anyway.
I use both systems quite comfortably.
Once you know several key referance points (ie. 0C = 32F, 30C=90F) it's not that hard to make a guesstimated conversion.
It's simpler with volume since a quart is roughly a liter.
im pretty sure 1 gallon is approx 4 litres cause i saw the 1 gallon things of milk down when i was in bellingham at a supermarket and its the same size as our 4 litre jugs of milk.
btw your mcdonalds is REALLY expensive! i went down there and after the extange it was like 7-8 bucks for a regular meal thats only 5 bucks or so in canada. same with your denny's! omg your grand slam breakfastes are more expensive even without the exchange then ad that in :O
[quote="CSF_Jaizen":9770f]im pretty sure 1 gallon is approx 4 litres cause i saw the 1 gallon things of milk down when i was in bellingham at a supermarket and its the same size as our 4 litre jugs of milk.
btw your mcdonalds is REALLY expensive! i went down there and after the extange it was like 7-8 bucks for a regular meal thats only 5 bucks or so in canada. same with your denny's! omg your grand slam breakfastes are more expensive even without the exchange then ad that in :O[/quote:9770f]
Hey. what were you doing in bellingham, you mean you actually made through the border crossin? I've only gone up to B.C. twice in the last year. Both time coming back was a pain, waiting in line,,,,getting the third degree.. probably won't go back up for a long while.... which is too bad because the people up there are really friendly, and vancouver is really a beautiful city. As for the cost of something at Mcdonald's, I wouldn't know. I haven't been to one since my oldest daught was about 3. I conviced my kids that the food there was not good(which is true)