Yeah come on guys ffs, play or dont play but dont try and flame what this guys doing! I think its a nice idea, difficult to run effectively but at least they are trying.
It might not be suitable for everyone but it also might be a fuckin good laugh + chance of profiting from the evening.
People spend a hell-of-a-lot of money on gambling games they have no control over, if theres a game going which lets you profit from real skill then this has got to be worth hearing them out?
On a personal note to Sponge, please grab Pandora anti-cheat program from this link... ... link&sid=3
Make sure you include that the clients willing to play have the
client program downloaded and installed before the match.
This is the best current anti-cheat program and for your company I would recommend you only play matches running this. Its about to be made compulsary in as they have suffered severly in the past from cheats and the scum that created them.
The software boarders on spyware but is very effective.