Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo
Abuse - being called a retard - threats to ban????
If I'm online & i've got some extra's if you can't handle my skill then just leave. It's just like real war - the guys may have a better gun, be faster, be in camo etc etc.
Don't be a cry baby - if I'm kicking your ass then just try to get better - practice is the key.
ive been waiting to use that! biggrin: Magoo wtf practise is thwe key how the fuck do u practise when the other peeps can even see you . WTF you were saying its like a fucking war did they really have MAGIC BULLETS, INVISIBLITY CLOAKS? HOW ABOUT FOR LIFTES WTF dan i hate you get your ass out of here
blood fart mad: mad: mad: mad: (yay i finally figured out how to use the quote boutton!) biggrin: