I like the book, and i am reading it this very wekk again. Its got so much detail! But you guys wont beleave this but i got a signed copie! My dad got me it when he went to New York! He so called "won" it!
When they were trying to clear the blocked road in the last episode (I think) and they were using bazookas aimed at a pile of grenades to try and clear the path.
I don't know why but it looked really funny and seemed they were doing it for just the hell of it.
That episode where they came across the concentration camp was amazing. Beautifully acted, well written.
But I have to say my favourite one is when DJ forgot Kimmy's birthday, and they showed pictures at the end.'
.....Or the one when the Fonz says: "Hey, Malph, sit on it!"
I agree, it was well written. I think they did well by bringing the book into a film! And i also liked at the end with the guys that survived if u no what i meen.
i think its a great part when Blythe gets all riled up, and stops being scared to fight...and shoots the one german guy...and then followed him to see where he passed...i think that showed the viewer the other side of a soldier....the remorsefull side, and how he was......i guess you could say..."sad", about taking another mans life...i dunno..that was a really good part IMO