Originally Posted by ShagNasty
Ed broke no rules, why has he been banned like 5 times?
For your lacking in the ability to read betwen the lines, I'll let you into a secret - "Horse's mouth" = BadScript.
[quote:279f6]And as for low IQ I mean spark he flamed me I flamed back deal with it. just because I am better at it don't need to get mad. I am so good at it you hinted at a ban on me who broke no rules. why because I messed with your friend?[/quote:279f6] No, your flaming
didn't break the rules, as they will stand soon but it's obvious you're smurfing and that certainly will
not be allowed. So, you'll either have to delete this account or go back to posting as whoever you were.
ED has done nothing different to what you've done (except he posts under his known-name) - Flame. So, if he deserves to be banned for that then surely, by your own admission
you should be too?
You're obviously better at fooling yourself than you are at flaming.
[quote:279f6]Eds a big boy who can defend him self. He don't need you guys jumping in. So why don't you mind your own business. no cuss words, no bad flames. just true insight.[/quote:279f6]
I wasn't defending him. I was defending Low Spark. I was also telling the truth when I said that peole like you are the only people who tend to get flamed here.
I don't care that you flame back, good for you - It'd be boring if you didn't. But, a lot of things that you have said - At least
three separate things you have stated in this thread alone are totally wrong.
1) Ed should be banned because he has broken rules
2) BJ is a good mod
3) Low Spark is a fool who nees to be banned
And hey, if you wish to duspute one of those then come back once the mods are officially instated and
then tell me what you think about them.
Again, something for your limited brain-bandwidth to chew on for a few minutes before giving up and saying "So why don't you mind your own business. no cuss words, no bad flames. just true insight."
Wow, man. Strong final words. You truly can flame with the greatest.