Originally Posted by "Stinger_Dude":98d24
Everybody calm down. This thread was only a joke.
I'm surprised this thread isnt locked yet. Why arnt the mods doing their jobs?
I agree, it is obvious a lot of the people here can't control themselves and that this lighthearted thread has spiraled into something disgusting.
In my eyes this place has gone from a fun place to an F'd up place.
Do you think you guys posting shit would like it if others or I posted nasty as hell comments or REALLY disrespectful things about your girlfriend. I don't think so, I think you wouldn't like it and would say something.
Why the FUCK, does everyone seem top think that this place 'used to be fun and good,' like it's changed or something.
It hasn't. It's been like this the whole time. You could have NEVER gotten away with posting something fucking stupid such as this thread, and not get flamed.
BTW - Your girl is a bitch-slut-whore, and she licks the cream off my cherry every day. Thanks for not pleasuring her enough, because now she comes to me - SHE'S A FUCKING TRICK-SLUT.
When we're fucking she's always like - "Ooh - My boyfriend dont never fuck like you, you're so gooood, yeeeeah"
Then I'm all like - "Bitch, shut the fuck up, and suck on my totem pole. BIATCH!"