I think it might be worth to point out that if you're goal is to serve your country there are other alternatives out there. It all really depends on what your interests are. I have a very close friend who graduated two years ago from The Catholic University of America with a masters degree in both urban planning and architectural design. He's now working in the White House and the Pentagon designing things like bunkers, blast-proof & kevlar walls similar to the one already incorporated on the pentagon. On the urban design side he also works with military personel to help analyize vurnurable point within our own cities, and how that can be corrected. On the flip side, he also was also in a group which reviewed plans of iraqi cities and helped develop assault paths. I think he is now currently working on a master plan for the reconstruction of a democratic Iraq.
I am currently completeing my masters degree in architecture, but... last year I worked on a project for the Navy in which my firm designed a torpedo testing facility. Very cool stuff