Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "philadelphia killing mach":cd2e0
i'm saying ANYONE can be a yankee fan. most of the trash about philly fans are urban legend also (ie. booing santa clause at a game.......there was a santa booed but that was at a parade and it was because the guy that played santa was drunk)
anybody can be a eagles fan too. I could cheer for them if i wanted too, too.
that post was useless. That's like saying, "Hey, I can go poke my eye out with a fork. But does that mean I'll do it? No...BUT i have the option to."
stfu -1[/quote:cd2e0]
where is toni from? Brampton? Guess what team he cheers for? Eagles ahve a lot of bandwagon jumping fans too. Hell I like the giants.