hello. me new to this site. Ehh I got a question. Can anyone lead me to a site that has plenty of tutoials for noob skinners? I wanna learn how to skin. So i can make my own player skin and weapon skin, or well yeah im lost in my own words lol.. but yeah im just a person wanting to learn is all, can ne1 help?
Also, bc i have moh:vn installed now.. When i goto reload with the axis aniper rifle it literally kicks me out of mohaa, and when i goto use the axis mp40 *idk what skin it uses bc i dun get chance to see it lol* it kicks me stright out of game when i goto respawn with it.. Any help? Or does it do this bc i was playing on a regular mohaa server...?
Also seems to be when i hold the allies ?M14? for a certain amount of time w/o shooting it kicks me lol. and when im standing stilll looks like im land sharking lol.... and i think my friend that also d/led moh vn says soemthing about bashing with the axis pistol.. i think he meant it kicks you also lol.. any help please?!????