Played a lot through the years, but I think A Link To The Past was the game that got me really hooked on gaming. FPS-wise, I'd say the original MoH for PS. Played it for months on a row, loads of multiplayer on it aswell. biggrin:
Sonic Adventure on the DreamCast got me hooked on gaming,
Remember the online World Ranking competitions? I came 2nd in one of those things......I got a glass trophy thing for 2nd place, and 3 or 4 Sega/Sonic t-shirts for finishing in the top 10 a few times. oOo:
Donkey Kong and Zaxxon for the Colecovision, for PC games it was Zork, Kings Quest 1, and Hack v.1.02... if you remember Hack, that is awesome, if you think i mean Hacking, you are wrong...
Sonic Adventure on the DreamCast got me hooked on gaming,
Remember the online World Ranking competitions? I came 2nd in one of those things......I got a glass trophy thing for 2nd place, and 3 or 4 Sega/Sonic t-shirts for finishing in the top 10 a few times. oOo:[/quote:5549a]
at least you have something to show for wasting time gaming oOo:
Well, the 1st gaming system i had was Atari (I still have it) but what really opened my eyes to endless gaming fun was the first time i saw DOOM for P/S. I was blown away and had to get a system. I couldn't put the game down until i finished it. The rest they say is history !!