Originally Posted by strvs
I agree that some skill is involved in making electronic music, but alot more is needed to learn an instrument, gather musicians, and compose a song where each musician takes part. The amount of skill and work to make a 20 minute magnum opus like Yes - Close To The Edge is leaps ahead of ANY techno song, anywhere. The interplay between each musician is astounding, and would take a massive amount of skill to be able to play flawlessly live, which they do.
100 % of all Drum And Bass Dj = play the drums (many types) & many play piano/keyboard, Not to mention a good amount play guitar, bass guitar.... How do you think they create loops for their songs ? I would just like to point of that DJ's of the like have just as much talent as many solo artists do and bands.
Originally Posted by m1ck97I
actually think its classed as trance rather than techno
trance = sub genre of Electronika/techno.
-hardcore Dance
-Elctronic Jazz
Even these sub genre's have their own sub genre's themselves.... It is quite a wide field in music. I am glad to see I amn ot alone in the Trance fan boi wagon here biggrin:
(Trance is a story in music to say, it builds you up to a climax one or even multiple times, then throws you down in a spiral until the end of the track... or at least a good one will)
[quote="Homophobe Colemon":dea6c]This is coming from someone who actually composes music. With all of the talk about techno being "easy to write", well it is in a way[/quote:dea6c]
I will not argue that "some" dance is very easy to compose. BUT all of the brilliant minds in the real world today mixing/making their tracks are very talented and spend hours upon hours making a single track. It is extremely complex when you get deep into this stuff. Opening up Adobe Audition and fruity Loops and throwing together some quick beat is not what they do. It takes countless hours to make a single track for most, spending hours going oer a single 10 second clip of their track in progress. You only skimmed the surface to say. You can never truly know how far it goes until you dive right in. happy:
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As For Anita.... It is great to see todzum hand your ass to you. Then watch you ignore him LOL(OWNED). GG you ignorant lama fucker. oOo: