Originally Posted by KTOG
Sorry but i don't read literature that is written from a democrat written about republicans and vice versa. Its more than obvious that some one who picks up the book is going to agree and not give both sides of the issue. I'll give an example and i won't even use an obvious one like a democrat ...
Rick and Kathy Hilton are owners of the Hilton Hotels and billionares. They are enemies of the state because they are big business, Kathy has a lame reality show, poor wages for staff, money hogs, blah blah blah (not to mention they brought Paris into this world). So what? They created a hotel business that provided enough class by beating out the competition with luxury hotels at lower prices. Wouldn't you do the same? Isn't that capitalism? As for the mine drowning reality crap they pump out ... i think they are the least at fault for this. There are worse things out their that plague television and our views on them (IE Real World, Joe Millionare, etc).
lol brian. From what you said in that first paragraph, it makes you seem like you're trying to say you're better than me because you stay away from these kind of books (I know you definitely didn't mean that beer: ).
But you have to get it to your mind, I'm not going to write a whole thesis/report with this as my main source. I'd never do that. I'm reading this just for enjoyment. I agree with the fellow and that is that. What's wrong with reading something that you enjoy?