Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by strvs
I think fucking around with passed out people is funny to an extent, but what they did to me was just fucking lame.
I agree - Some people definitely take it too far...I think if you pass out way early you almost deserve a little something done to you...
The only time IVe partaken in shaming someone was on a bus ride back from a Rugby tourny at Platsburgh state(NY) and a few people passed out in the van after drinking way too much. Even then we kept it small at one penis on the forehead or something.[/quote:2412a]
That's all you need. One penis. Coating a guys face entirely in black vivid is something you'd do if the guy fucked your sister and treated her like shit or something....You wouldn't do it to a mate for no reason, and still be mates about it afterwards. I know I wouldn't react well to having it done to me.