Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by "CoMaToSe":3a833
Originally Posted by "geRV":3a833
You mistook the anal lube for clearasil again. spank:
By any chance did you "shave" before slapping this shit on...assuming you do shave that is.
winnar. In a nutshell, shaving followed by astringent followed by clearasil shit + already sensative skin (I had a reaction to shaving cream once ffs oOo: ) = facial adema (sp). It'll heal, I'll live. /endthread
You couldn't figure that out on your own? You just had to make a thread on here to ask a bunch of people who despise you for help on a ridiculously stupid topic....and you wonder why like 1 person gave you a serious answer?
Conclusion: You're a fucking ATTENTION WHORE. You fat piece of fuck.
tired. confused. face wason fire. stfu
fat. loserly. attention whore. stfu.[/quote:3a833]
It's not like you're any different (well besides the fat part)[/quote:3a833]
LOL. Sure shawn. Sure. You just continue what you're doing that way I don't even have to bother insulting you because you do it to yourself.