I wish the U.N. could actually deal with real issues.
and have anyone of you seen [url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=410158&in_page_id=181 1:68511]this?[/url:68511]
Really shows how much Kim sucks. There is practically no electricity in NK besides Pyongyang.
I have a friend that's been stationed in South Korea for a year and a half now. I think I'll send him an e-mail to see what's up.
What's his job?
He's in the Army Band playing trumpet. He doesn't get much action obviously, but he still does do major training and goes out on patrols in the streets.
[url=http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/03/01/nkorea.talks.ap/index.html:a4dfc]North Korea pledges to quit nukes[/url:a4dfc]
[quote:a4dfc]North Korea's No. 2 leader pledged his country's commitment Thursday to giving up its nuclear program in talks with a visiting high-level South Korean delegation, amid intensifying diplomacy aimed at implementing Pyongyang's pledge to disarm.[/quote:a4dfc]