Originally Posted by ninty
How many proposals and junk were there nyck?
did you have to use an electronic voting machine?
nope good ol voting with pen and scantron for me.
My vote for gov fucking killed her contender.
55 to 43 % right now which in politics is fucking rape
My vote for senator and state rep etc are all winning as well.
I think as far as my individuals go everyone I voted for is projected to win.
we had 5 proposals
Proposal 1
Proposal 06-1: A proposed constitutional amendment to require that money held in conservation and recreation funds can only be used for their intended purposes.
I voted yes, Yes is winning 81-19 right now
Proposal 06-2: A proposal to amend the state constitution to ban Affirmative Action programs that give preferential treatment to groups or individuals based on their race, gender, color, ethnicity o\r national origin for public employment, education or contracting purposes.
I voted Yes....Yes is leading 52-48 right now but too close to call
Proposal 06-3: A referendum on public act 160 of 2004 - an act to allow the establishment of a hunting season for mourning doves.
I voted Yes. It is getting killed and wont pass vot is 39 to 61
Proposal 06-4: A proposed constitutional amendment to prohibit government from taking private property by eminent domain for certain private purposes.
I vote Yes and it is winning easily like 80-20
Proposal 06-5: A legislative initiative to establish mandatory school funding levels.
I voted Yes and it is getting killed 70 - 30 right now
hope that helps