Originally Posted by Milla
yeah well .308 isnt to expensive, atleast not around here. Either way you go make sure you get a flat top upper.
Well, here's my thinking. I was going to go with a flat top at 1st but since changed my mind. I plan to purchase a complete A2 rifle (16" tactical Bushmaster) and a lower receiver (leaning towards a Stag lower). The Stag lower will be used for my 20" build with a flat upper. I want to use the Bushy with iron sights for close range and save the custom build w/scope for longer distances.
I'm also looking into the [url=http://www.robarm.com/xcrtm_modular_weapon_system.htm:2c780]XCR[/url:2c780]
Milla, what do you think of this [url=http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/7070/pistol5cv1.jpg:2c780]PISTOL[/url:2c780] ??
looks like a nice room clearing device !!