Originally Posted by Zoner
^ That too.
More: Eko, Locke and Hurley
Less: Baby crying, Charlie being a dick, Bernard
Less Jack crying too. Less Kate being sassy. More Sawyer beig Sawyer. Less Jin and Sun melodrama. More Sayid being cool again instead of a touchy feely "Agh Shannon is dead" pussy, more Hurley being awesome, less new chick Elizabeth being ineffectual, more Eko kicking ass with his Jesus stick, less Ana Lucia and Libby being dead, less Michael sailing away, more Jack dying, kill Boone again, kill Shannon again, bring the dinosaur back, kill Renee, kill Aaron, less Locke being a goofy dumbass, less irrelevant Bernard and.... fuck forgot her name relatrionship stuff, less Claire and Charlie whining, fewer flashbacks to stuff we already knew.